Thursday, February 7

Announcing the 2013 Camp (and its new website)

We are proud to announce that the 2013 Camp will be happening soon!

CLICK HERE to visit the website of the 2013 Camp to find out more details!

Tuesday, March 20

Boot Camp Memories: Anton Hendraputra Lim

Anton with friends during 2007 camp

The first time upon hearing ‘boot camp’ the first thought comes to mind was ‘this is going to be tough!’. The games were indeed very challenging and the sessions were mind blowing. The game that I enjoyed the most was called “SMUGGLER” and session that I remembered was about family relationship. During the second year of boot camp I was appointed as one of the officer. Well, it was fun being an officer but very tiring at the same time. From there I learnt that leader must be prepared to sacrifice. I learned a lot about God and about life through boot camp. Thus, I encourage you to join boot camp! Don’t waste this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Visit to Universal Studio Singapore during semester break
Anton Hendraputra Lim
Boot Camp participant 2007;
Boot Camp officer 2008;
Currently a final year student of Diploma in Nutrition, Health and Wellness at Singapore Polytechnic

Boot Camp Memories: Samantha Aw

Samantha with her friends during the 2007 camp.
Boot Camp oh Boot Camp.  It seem so far away now; nevertheless, it was an experience worth experiencing.  It helped me grow spiritually as a Christian as I had the chance to connect with God and wonderful peers in a deeper level. One’s personality is moulded by several occasions that touched one’s life.  Lodge's Boot Camp did that for me in years 2007 and 2008.  I encourage you to take a leap of faith and participate.  You’ll then know what God has in store for you.

Samantha enjoying a snow day at her university

Samantha Aw
Boot Camp participant 2007 and 2008;
currently studying Economics at Seattle University having completed her course with Tsinghua University prior to that.

Monday, March 12

Boot Camp Memories: Ryonna Chuo

Ryonna helping with set up for camp in 2010.
Boot Camp came at the right time to me; during a moment when I felt very disconnected and fragile.  My faith always burns strong, and it did not take long for me to reconnect with God.  Boot Camp does not preach passive belief in faith, but allows you to question, to experience and to truly believe. Ultimately, a camp can only do so much; what's important is to keep your faith blazing. It's certainly easier in an awesome atmosphere like Boot Camp, with like-minded friends.  I got to know more about my faith and thoroughly enjoyed praise and worship sessions.  It's an experience that's truly priceless.  Boot Camp doesn't just end after four days; it's a an experience for a lifetime.
Ryonna at St Joseph's Institution Sport Day

Ryonna Chuo
Boot Camp participant 2009,
and Boot Camp officer 2010;
completed IB programme at St Joseph's Institution International, Singapore;

soon to commence study at Southern California Institute of Architecture

Monday, March 5

Boot Camp Memories: Daniel Shin

Daniel in action during the 2007 camp.
Boot Camp changed my life. And no, it’s not over exaggeration. Looking back now, I can see that each camp I participated in was a time for God to mould me to whom I am today. Through Boot Camp I learnt what it is to be a leader, find my identity in God, and form strong partners in Christ. If you have not found your vision yet, I strongly recommend Boot Camp, as you will get to know God’s heart. Participate with anticipation and God will touch you. 

Daniel in his dorm room at Chongshin University

Daniel Shin
Boot Camp Leader 2007 and
Boot Camp Officer 2008 and 2009; 
currently 2nd year theology student at Chongshin University (Korea)

Thursday, March 1

Boot Camp Memories: Dalvin Ong

Dalvin with campers at the end of 2009 camp
I am old. In Boot Camp terms of course! You can trace me way back to the very first camp at Santubong Resort. 2007 was a very great year: a year that not only saw the start of the Boot Camp series but the turning point in my life. It is because of Boot Camp and God Almighty that I realised the importance of missions and how urgent it is. I am truly grateful for Boot Camp, it made me realise my purpose! It has been a great pleasure to work with the Boot Camp team and I look forward to seeing more leaders rise up and more lives transformed!

Dalvin at the Aviation Australia airfield

Dalvin E. H. Ong
Boot Camp participant 2007 and 2008,
and Boot Camp officer 2009 and 2010;
currently a f
irst year student of Dual Diploma in Aircraft
Maintenance Engineering at Aviation Australia, Brisbane

Wednesday, February 29

Boot Camp Memories: The Series

2012 marks the 5th anniversary of the Boot Camp series.  We started humbly in 2007 and today, we are looking forward to the start of our 6th camp.

Group photo from 2010
In celebration, starting from tomorrow, we shall be publishing a series of reflections on Boot Camp, by campers from the days gone by (and not so gone by) at regular interval.  Read what the ex-campers have to say about the camps, their memories, their challenges, and re-live the moments with them.  Also, find out where they are now: we are proud to say that our campers have gone far and wide, furthering their educations (and even careers) to lands far beyond.

Team building challenge in 2007
So stay tuned, as we launch the Boot Camp Memories from March 1st 2012 onwards.

A group challenge in 2009

Thursday, February 9

Early Bird discount valid only until end of February 2012

The early bird discounted camp fee of RM130/camper will end on 29th February 2012, after which, the full camp fee of RM150/camper will be chargeable for all registration submitted.  

The clock is ticking so do hurry and register!

Monday, November 14

Registration Begins!

The registration of Campers for Lodge Secondary School 2012 Boot Camp begins today!

Grab a form and sign up for the camp, limited to the 75 campers only.

To obtain the registration form, see our Registration page.

Tuesday, November 8

Keep Yourself Updated - Join our emailing list

Keep yourself informed of the latest development concerning the Camp, email us your details as below and we will send you our email updates regularly:
  • Full Name
  • School (Lodge Secondary School or Lodge International School)
  • Email Address
  • Class
Send your details to with the subject line Email Update (Your Name).

Wednesday, August 10

Lodge Secondary School 2012 Boot Camp happening 26th to 29th May 2012.
Check 'About the Camp' on the task bar above for more details.

More updates coming soon.